2019 Spring Update

It’s been a few months since I gave this page a look over. This isn’t to say I haven’t been active, the Youtube channel is very alive and thriving but as its popularity grows, the more work it takes to keep it going.

I updated the Video listing to reflect the current archive. I’ve been working on utilizing the Youtube API to autoupdate this listing but I’m pretty sure I’m going to need to change hosting providers to make that a reality, which isn’t in the cards at the moment (this would make a good winter project). I have been updating the Manifest but ironically it hasn’t changed much since I’ve been posting the current videos I’ve been producing.

The Video Archive

An objective of the site was to organize all the content I’ve produced over the years and develop a useful system to “use” that content. One of my motives for continuing to produce these videos is to help make the daunting and impossible a reality, so making the content easy to find is a priority. While a pretty front end front end is still a ways away, there’s no reason anyone can’t take advantage of whats been aggregated thus far.

Winter Updates

Last year around this time, I produced a video called, “Winter Waltz”. Again, I find myself in a cold winter in the Northeast but now after 8 months of traveling around the country truly experiencing its climbing, “Winter Blues” seems far more appropriate. Of course, the positive side of fighting cabin fever is I tend to dream up big, ambitious ideas and goals for the next year. Last winter, as bad as it was, produced last year, which I’m not sure how I’ll ever top.

Welcome to First Person Beta

After 6 years of posting videos (and meeting the people that watch them), I felt it was time to start expanding this channel beyond its Youtube roots. Certainly the channel is very important and I’ll continue to push videos to it as well as use it to distribute my content. However, while Youtube does a fine job of providing a platform to share video content, it was becoming hard for me to meet the demands of my viewers strictly through the channel.