2019 Spring Update

It’s been a few months since I gave this page a look over. This isn’t to say I haven’t been active, the Youtube channel is very alive and thriving but as its popularity grows, the more work it takes to keep it going.

I updated the Video listing to reflect the current archive. I’ve been working on utilizing the Youtube API to autoupdate this listing but I’m pretty sure I’m going to need to change hosting providers to make that a reality, which isn’t in the cards at the moment (this would make a good winter project). I have been updating the Manifest but ironically it hasn’t changed much since I’ve been posting the current videos I’ve been producing.

I also began to update the format of the video (Largely, the climbing content isn’t changing):

  • I’ve been adjusting the titles to be a bit more descriptive. This has had a large (positive) effect on Youtube’s search and recomendation algorithm.

  • I’ve begun to include MountainProject Links in the video descriptions.

  • I’m honing in on a standard splash screen to open the video and the end screen(s) has been updated to include more social media links and Youtube fan engagements.

  • I’ve started filming in 1080p60 and videos are going to be uploaded in this resolution. Unfortunatly, in keeping with this format, older videos I have yet to post need to be scaled up in resolution and retitled. This takes a lot of time which is why I haven’t posted many of them recently.

  • While I’m very upfront about filming climbs with partners, I’m going to start blurring out other faces in the videos. The channel may be popular enough at this point that not doing so could start causing me problems and Youtube now provides the tools to make this pretty easy to do.