Son of Easy Overhang (5.8)

Back to my Roots, which means back to the Gunks!

I have been meaning to get a good video of this route for a very long time. This is probably my 3rd video of it, the first two just not meeting my expectations for capturing the magnificence of this pitch. Remember the "Clean & Clear" commercial featuring Ashima Shiraishi? Consider all the beautiful lines they could have shot that commercial just in the Gunks. Doubleissima? High-E?

CCK? No, it was this beautiful pitch, "Son of Easy O"

A little bit of it all, Face and finger crack climbing, followed by some wonderful overhung (little pump) thuggyness.

NOTE: If you're planning to lower off the first pitch (as I did in this video), you absolutely need at least a 70m rope. You'll only have at most 4 or 5ft of rope left when you get to the bottom.