Millions of them, for free. Little hand jamming, little layback, all the moves to keep us honest.
If you've climbed it before, you'll probably get it. If like me you never have, well it helps to know the name before getting on. A Red Rocks classic that challenges a Gunks rat such as myself.
If it isn't obvious, I had never climbed a chimney before so why not jump on a string of 5.9's. Luckily a group passed us just before beginning the pitch and I had a chance to grab some beta, such as which side to keep your back to. It wasn't obvious to myself and later I may have messed this up.
The combination of quality climbing, exposure, aesthetics, and my overall spirits at this point in the climb, may make this my favorite pitch of the route. In truth, all the technical climbing after the Black Tower is top quality climbing.